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Othello-P: an Opto-Acoustic Gunfire Detection System by IAI

14 Juin 2022 | Latest News

Knowing with good accuracy the source of gunfire is key to first survive and then retaliate. Israel Aerospace
Industries had already an optic gunfire detection system in its portfolio, however always looking for
improvements, and exploiting new and fresh ideas coming from the company recently established
Innovation Centre, the system has evolved adding acoustic sensors to optical ones, giving birth to the
Fusing the two technologies enhancing the identification and classification accuracy of hostile targets.
Mostly dedicated to armoured vehicles, the lightweight system has however also be developed in a man-
pack version aimed at infantry and Special Forces formations.
Fully passive, the vehicle configuration is based on two sensor modules, each covering 180°; this allows
more flexibility when integrating the Othello-P on the vehicle, allowing to avoid obstacles on the vehicle
roof such as for example remotely controlled weapon stations.
According to IAI the system takes the best of each category of sensors, fusing the results; three types of
event are noticed by the Othello-P, the flash generated by a weapon firing, the blast at the barrel, and the
shockwave should the round pass close to the vehicle.
The system is capable to work in noisy environments, typical of the battlefield and even more of urban
scenarios, where echoes must also be discriminated. The Othello-P can provide warning and identify the
source of small arms fire, down to pistols and up to medium calibre cannons, and RPGs. Interfaced with a
battle management system, it can provide situational awareness to the whole formation and eventually
should the fire be too heavy for the unit on the ground, allow the upper echelons to take action.

by Valerio del Grande